Convert PST to Thunderbird – The application discussed in this article offers the simplest solution to an otherwise daunting process of email conversion. Whatever features you need or wished for, this tool offers it all!
Way to convert PST to Thunderbird
Mozilla Thunderbird is an email client from Mozilla that is available for free and is cross-platform (can be used by Mac, Windows, and Linux users). On the other hand, Outlook is a paid email client from Microsoft. There are two email clients – Outlook Mac and Outlook Windows and both are very different.
The problem that we are discussing below is how to convert PST to Thunderbird.
But before that, you need to know what PST even is. The answer is simple: it is a file used by Windows Outlook to store/archive data and is also for migrating data to other Outlook versions. PST is a format applicable even in Mac Outlook although it is native for Windows Outlook. But here are only concerned about the PST file you get from Windows Outlook after you archive your data in PST.
PST can automatically be created when you add an email account in Outlook, though now OST is more commonly used. Today, PST is a personal data file that you can manually archive data into for backup, migration, import/export, etc.
The problem with PST is that it not compatible with any other client or program other than Outlook Mac and Windows. Which brings us to the obviously problem during switching clients from Outlook to Thunderbird.
The approach users often employ is to convert PST to Thunderbird format. And it is what works most effectively. However, the result you get is entirely dependent on the quality of the file converter you used for the job. Since all email files including PST can be very complex containing multiple forms of information and components, the extraction of all that data can be challenging. Which result sin many things missing from the output Thunderbird.
So, this is what this post is about: offering you a PST to Thunderbird converter that doesn’t indulge in any sort of unwanted data modification or partial migration. It also features many options and basic interface that will give you a straightforward and quick way to convert your data. Whatever you wished before in an email migration tool, this one has it all.
The Tool Convert PST to Thunderbird
Called ‘PST Extractor Pro,’ it is fully capable of converting PST to Thunderbird in one attempt without over-complicating the interface or affecting its performance. The best part of using PST Extractor Pro. is how accurate and thorough it converts the data. It also has dedicated support for more sophisticated forms of data inside PST files, like Unicode text, Mime content, Unicode text, and so on.

You will not find any better tool than “PST Extractor Pro” to convert PST to Thunderbird, ICS & VCF format.
It’s a Mac based tool, whereas most other converters are for Windows operating system, which is not the optimum choice of platform to perform this email file conversion.
Get it to convert PST to Thunderbird
You can try it here. The trial version is completely free and gives you full freedom to try out the features for as long as you want. It limits conversion to ten items per folder but it is not relevant for the trial purposes. You can get around to checking the interface, data accuracy of output files, and more!
Finally, it is offered by USL Software which is known for many other excellent email migration solutions. One of the reasons of their success is their quick and expert based tech support team. If you have any question or face problems during email conversion, get in touch and they will resolve all your problems to the full of your satisfaction.
Get it today to convert PST to Thunderbird Mail, ICS & VCF file formats.