Converting PST (Windows Outlook) to other email clients is a tricky process, the one that requires an efficient technology to get the job done. If you have ever attempted trying to move your data from Windows Outlook to other clients, you must have realized how intimidating it can be without the aid of a professional tool.
PST Extractor Pro is that professional aid for PST conversion. It can finally allow you to let go of the anxiety you generally feel during the process. Convert your PST files without worrying about data loss, data integrity failures, and other issues. Enjoy the distinct and very powerful software designing that allows for smooth and safe transition of data.
Below are the major factors that lead to the success of this tool. These features are unique and un-paralleled anywhere else, making it a highly versatile and functional email migration software for PST migration.
- Quick installation: Installation is as simple as it can be. Simply follow the installation wizard and install it in minutes. No complex knowledge of software is needed. No prior experience. No hassle.
- Highly user-friendly: Converting PST to MBOX, RGE, or EML sounds too problematic to a non-experienced ear. This is due to the complexity of user interfaces most software presents. Thankfully, PST Extractor Pro has no awkward instructions, no messy screens, and no tricky conversion wizard. The developers have presented a very clean and a neat interface. The self-explanatory wizard screen at every step has very clear instructions for a common user, and every step is nicely arranged offering a smooth conversion. Even a beginner can start converting his or her PST files within minutes.
- Preserve Unicode content: Unicode content is the text that is in other language than English. It is, yet again, very crafty to save that non-English content during conversion because of some technological complications. However, PST Extractor Pro is able to preserve the Unicode content to a 100% reliability, using its special recognizable programs encoded within the framework.
- Preserve all the file attachments: Attachments is a part of email communication. Regardless of the important of files attached with emails, many email migration tools fall short in preserving the attachments. This is where PST Extractor Pro can be very convenient in protecting the attachments.
- Bulk PST conversions: It is fully capable of handling a large database. It can convert bulk of PST files altogether without compromising the precision, speed, and safety.
- Data Integrity: Other than the attachments and non-English content, emails and email clients contain a way lot more information than an ordinary email migration tool can handle. Some of that information is insignificant; however, some can be very crucial.
Original order of your folders (folder hierarchy), read/unread status of mails, Metadata (to, Cc, Bcc, and Subject), images, contact photos, nested messages, etc. are some of the important part of your data that needs to be preserved.
Data integrity issue is very common in PST migration, where a user finds the converted data a lot different from the original.
PST Extractor Pro has a powerful capability of scanning, reading, and preserving the full data while converting. The technique employed ensures the safety of all the things stated above.
Things can get very wearing for a common user trying to convert PST to other email clients using ordinary tools. If you are against wasting your time, putting your files at risk and against facing a lot of frustration…PST Extractor Pro is for you.
If you are ready to switch from Windows Outlook to other email clients, we would recommend to get PST Extractor Pro as soon as possible. Go ahead and click the link below to try the free demo version –